Saturday, 30 December 2006
In the Jungle, the Deep Deep Jungle..
I spoke to Dave Pope this morning and he felt the trial went as well as can be expected, he told me about a bottle of perfume which had been found in the accuseds´ home, a product called Tobbacco Leaf and only sold through the Body Shop. Her sister had bought it for her before leaving, in Manchester, the sister had a bottle herself and the batch numbers confirmed they were from the same batch, Damning evidence if you ask me!! ( probably not good enough for Dook though !!) To find out more www. jennypopeappeal. The verdict is to be announced, along with the sentence on the 9th of Jan.
Thanks to Ian & Marj, did you just know this or did you have to find out, Anyway no one has told me the date of Epiphany yet ? SS.
Friday, 29 December 2006
Cotopaxi Again
Wednesday, 27 December 2006
Volcano Imbaburro
Anyway.. left him and caught the bus to Ibarra, with the intention of changing buses there to take the bus from there to a place called La Esperanza, where the trail begins. Whilst gazing blankly out of the bus widow on the way to Ibarra I see a big sign pointing to La Esperanza, I ask the conductor on the bus & he says Si Si La Esperanza, so I swiftly disembark and catch a bus back a couple of K and then walk up to La Esperanza, I ask a few locals were is Casa Aida no idea I discover there are a few La Esperanzas & this was not the one I was Looking for. They seem to be sprinkled about Ecuador perhaps like we have Tarbets. Back on another bus to Ibarra, then to the right one. Find Casa Aida, & she cooks me an evening meal VG, she also organises a camioneta for 8am the next morning.
Up early, have breakfast & discover the driver is not coming because it is too wet. Oh well decide to walk up and see how I get on. Interesting walk up the cobbled lane through Chirihausi and to the end of the road, this takes 2hrs ; which would have taken 10min by camioneta.
It is still cloudy but perhaps it will lift, after 4.5hrs I have come from 2650 to approx 4100m and it starts to rain, quite heavily, and of couse the viz is poor, I have another 2.5 hours to the top, after some thought I reluctantly turn round & head back down, another failure.
Tomorrow I am joining a group to try to climb Cotopaxi AGAIN. I go first to Papa gayo AGAIN for a night then meet up with the others. This time it is with a guided group & at great expense ,well $160. There is not much alternative as I cannot really go on my own,
I wonder what will cause failure this time!!!
Thanks for the message Cameron.
Tuesday, 26 December 2006
Why am I drawing your attention to this ? because yesterday morning I spoke , at lenght, to both her husband Dave & her son Stefan, who are both staying in the same hotel as I am.
Once Jenny had not checked in with them for a waak they began to worry,after 2 weeks they were very concerned, & once the bank statement arrived thier worst fears seemed to be confirmed.
Dave & Stefan put thier affairs in order and arrived in Ecuador in early March. They have been here ever since.
They soon found out who the main suspect was , a 28 year old inhabitant of Banos who had a reputation for robbery & violence in the area but had not been convicted due to his connections with the police, ( he shared the spoils of his activities with them) He was also employed at the hotel, as a night porter, where Jenny was staying.
Dave explained how corrupt the police are here, operating hand in glove with criminals in thier area. The murder of Jenny Pope would have been ignored & swept under the carpet by the local police if Dave & Stefan had not arrived,determined to ensure that proper procedures were observed & a professional investigation was undertaken.
There was circumstancial evidence ( the "accused "disappeared very shortly after the account was emptied) and there was video evidence of the accused withdrawing money from the account, as well as other facts which pointed the finger of accusation firmly in his direction.
Dave & Stefan are in no doubt of this man´s guilt, and that he did not act alone, they believe that other members of his family are also involved. Due to police lassisitude , incompetence & corruption and also the lack of committment by the prosecuting authorities ( they operate a procurator fiscal system similar to Scotland) they feel that having one person brought to trial is as much as they can hope for.
Bribery throughout the police & prosecuting system is rife here & althought the "accused" is not a person of much financial value he does have a close relative who runs a string of bordellos along the coast & she has baan funding his defence so far, whither she has the means or the inclination to further fund his evasion of justice is unknown. Obviously the further up the system the higher the financial burden.
The trial will take place on the 28th of dec purely due to the doggedness & persistance of Dave & Stefan as left to their own devices the murder would have been ignored.
Lets hope for a guilty verdict from the three Judges who will decide the case, if a guilty verdict is announced then there is the facility for an appeal, this however should take place within a month of the trial.
There is no death penalty in Ecuador but a sentence of 16-25 yrs could be imposed on such a case as this, as there is no body.
Only Dave & Stefans relentless quest for answers & action has forced the hand of Ecuadors lamentable judicial system.
All the best on the 28th.
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Friday, 22 December 2006
Cotopaxi : the attempt
Tuesday, 19 December 2006
Planning for Cotopaxi
Daniel (32) swiss from zurich ( if it comes to a square go at least we´ll have someone to hawd the coats) 16 months on the road much of it solo on his bike. On reaching a tricky bit on Illianaz (the rest had dashed on ahead) i aked him how he felt about this & he told me he had never scrambled in his life or had any experience of climbing ( and him from switzerland too ! tsk tsk !) All the same I feel I know were I stand with him & he is not full of bull, having not much to prove. So far he has my stamp of approval. could a US v Europe contest be ahead ?
Spent the rest of the day doing some "shopping" ( a word they were all unaware the meaning of ) & to explain "doing our messages" only resulted in blank looks , bewilderment and vague thoughts of a trip to an internet cafe. However all these jobs done ( when in Aberdeen I was once told by the cleaning lady in the union, after mentioning that she seemed particulaly busy that " you canny stand still when you have plenty o wee jobbies to do" oh how true how true!) we then hired equipment for the ensueing expedition ( ice axe, harness, prussacs etc) Last job of the day to uplift washing, whilst waiting in the que I feel my nose, throat & upper resperatory tract cleansed by the soapy soapy air .
We leave for Cotopaxi tomorrow, SS
Monday, 18 December 2006
the photo is from the trail up to the refugio, the one we will climb is on the right. Arrived at 2 oclock so it was just as well we arose at 7am!! not my idea! We all had a terrible night no sleep at all, obviously not acclimatised nearly enough. Tomorrows clomb will take us to 5200m One of Ecudors big ten.
Out of bed at first light, for once I was happy to get up, left refugio at 7.30. arrived at the 2nd of 3 tops at 9.30 & I pointed out that this was not the top, the top was a further 300m away and required a grade 3 maybe 4 scramble over loose rock, and they were not for that. I started to chech out how tricky is was and they started down the hill.I was´nt sure whither to go on or not, but I knew I would lose them if I did the true top, so I came down with them, I was raging all the way down & didnt speak to any of them Exept Daniel the swiss ( who had not at any time pretended to be a climber, I hadnt pretended either by the way) untill we were back in the bothy. I then told them how disappointed I was that we did not summit! Much humming & hawing!! Left refugio to walk back to the trailhead were our taxi was coming to meet us. Started to walk down to meet it as there was only one road, it did not seem to be on time so asked Luke (who speaks some spanish ) what arrangements had been made, He said that he had asked the taxi driver to be back at 3.30pm ( far too late ) & had given him a $10 deposit !! what a divvi !! Needless to say nada taxi. Walked out for a couple of K the Luke took a left turn Kit went with him, It was obviously the wrong way, so Daniel & I continued the correct way then luckily hitched a lift to the small town HA HA HA We enjoyed a beer or two untill they turned up. I doubt this outfit is going to succeed unless an intelligent benign yet firm leader is found !
Saturday, 16 December 2006
Pinchacha again.
Back to town.
Discovered on my email a chap who,s advert in the South American Explorers Club I had answered had left a message wanting to meet up as he was keen to do some climbing as well.
Up the telepherico again, feeling a bit like robert the bruce & his spider, this time surely !! & after 2h45m reached the bealach climbed the last bit to the top HURRAH
There was a chap sitting at the top so I said " Hi & it was a sham about there being no view " and he said " YOU MUST BE STEPHEN " ........ it was the guy I had emailed.. well well.
Good walk out & the mist cleared . We will arrange what volcano to do tonight.
which we did, Illianas & we leave 2mro lunch time
Yours SS
Friday, 15 December 2006
Left the top of the lift and followed the path for about 1 hr, stopped for a drink & saw at my foot a comb, what a strange thing to find !! could this be a SYMBOL, signifying what ??? A parting of the ways perhaps ?? a hairy moment ahead ?? Then a rabbit crossed my path , what can it all mean ?? symbolism is not my strong suite so could not work it out . Puzzled I walked on.
It was very misty, at a biforcation of the ways I was left with a choice, seeing a group making thier way up a ridge i decided to follow them, it was a S1 scramble quickly changing to a S11 however soon caught up & discovered it was a school climbing trip & they were all roped up & had all the gear, There was a an instructor with them and i had a chat with him ( the group were all novices ,I could tell by how tentative they were ) & asked him if there was a way off the ridge, he said he did not know as( being english ) he had not been here before, oh well might as well keep going, so passed him & his group & caught up with the next group of roped up "climbers" ... another english so called guide, asked him if the route became better, ¨" do you mean does it get harder " was his supercilious reply. I told him I would start again " is there a way off this ridge ? " he did not know either, so not much of a guide, but a complete Passed him & his group & made my way up, I might add I was In trainers & jeans & this obviously pissed him off, If only i had 10 Regal & a can of export with me !!!! I did not find this scramble too hard up to S 4 in places, Then I reached a tricky bit ( discovered later it is called the" Devils notch" probably a R2 maybe a R3 as there is an overhang), so rather than ask for help from him I left him with a parting shot & downclimbed all the way as ther was no way off. It was now too late to make my way back up so made my way back.
So there had been a hairy moment & a parting of the ways & what about the rabbit ??
Went to a Quiz, it was all about Christmas, the team did not do very well, My high point was knowing the date of Epiphany, DO YOU!!!
On my way back from the quiz I was confronted by a very scantily clad young lady, who after smiling at me pulled up her skirt & showed me her uñderwear !!! why she thought I would be interested in looking at Her tiny knickers I have simply no idea, 2 puzzles in the one day.
Thursday, 14 December 2006
To Quito
Sat had a game of golf with Baz & Dave ( the guy he usually plays with) went round Whittle bury in +4 with doubler at the first & trousered 6pounds , a welcome addition to expedition funds !
Sun - DRAMA- inserted my card in a machine at Tescos to make sure presented checks had cleared---it swallowed it --whole!! this is where all my money is- i'm deep doodoo now!! Decide to PANIC.. palpatations..cold sweat.. loosening of bowels....PANIC produces no useful results -
Realise there is no point in remonstrateing with Tescos employees & march swiftly back to Bazzas. Phone banks , quell surprise no answer. Check the cards I have and discover to my delight & chagrin the card I inserted was an out of date one I had taken along to placate any footpads who may waylay me ( I thought that perhaps any ner-do-wells would be unlikely to scrutinise any card closely enough to determine the expiry date, prior to hot-footing it to thier hideout !) so PANIC over.
Leave Bazzas at 4am mon taxi to station & arrive Gatwick for 9.30 flight to Houston- arrive 2pm + 6hrs time diff. Leave Houston 4pm- arrive Quito 11pm taxi to Crossroads Hotel - go to bar- the restorative properties of beer have been much undervalued in my opinion--Why it is natures storehouse of goodness ! a balm to both the body & the spirit - if Barbra Carthorse had promoted beer instead of honey she would still be alive today ! no doubt adding to her formidable literary legacy of having written 500 books... or the same book 500 times depending on how you look at it.
Tue 12th dec. - Wander about Quito & catch up a bit of sleep. Quito is at 8500ft & is only 25 kilometers south of the Equator, so is pleasant during the day but at night the temp. drops & it becomes quite cold. This is sort of the winter time so it came be a bit rainy & cloudy but with good days as well.
So far so good, 2mro will try to cimb the volcano which overlooks Quito.
Hope you reached australia ok Cameron.