Wednesday, 3 January 2007

Cueves De Jamandy

Decided today to seize the cycle, instead of the day, something a little safer, 15k up the road from Tena are the caves of Jamandy, so I thought I´d go visit them. Hired the bike from the rafting co. they had no trips on today as they were moving office, however Toby asked me if I would Like to go on another rafting excursion tomorrow on the the lower Mishauli river a grade 1v/ v , 5 is the toughest there is, he said I would enjoy it, " big water down a long narrow canyon " , I said I would think about it and left for Jamandy. Stopped for coffee & cake at Archidona , the weather is overcast but muggy, as it has been since I arrived, reached the caves which had a completely run down pool / water park attached, inquired as to viewing the caves and was given the choice of a $2 or $5 trip, chose the more expensive option and was introduced to Jorge the Guide, he was unusual for a guide where agility would be considered a prime asset, insomuch as he was; and is, a uniped! This disability did little to hinder his ability lead me through the caves, which I suppose were interesting enough for limestone caves, stalagtites and strange formations as well as 3 bats, at one point I had to submerge myself in an underground pool and by means of a bit of rope pull myself across to the other side ( wet again, and so was all my money ) The caves snaked in for a few hundred metres through some narrow gaps, so not for those of a claustrofobic*nature. Left there and peddled up to a nature reserve or zoo really , the most interesting animals were the leopards, which are smaller than I imagined and it would require a good few for a nice coat. I was then attacked by a one armed monkey, the inhabitants of this part of the world do seem to be very careless regarding taking care of their limbs, we bared our teeth at each other but he was`nt too fazed by that, a swipe with my boot soon had him turn tail and scarper. Being the rainforest it started to rain, once it went off I cycled back to Tena. I was disappointed to discover that the other party who were to go on the next rafting trip had called off and no other victims were forthcoming so my grade v rafting trip was cancelled, possibly just as well after my previous. Off back to Quito tomorrow. Thanks to all who leave messages, and to others who have´nt, do not be shy, your spelling cannot be as bad as mine. SS


Anonymous said...

Well, not really being the shy type myself I'll kick off your comments today, so at least you know you have "one friend" who is paying attention. One comment has got to be more positive than none at all! Anyway that's what happens when you are so critical of other people's grammar and spelling they become neurotic that you might pick up on their errors! Perhaps you should take it as a compliment if people choose not to leave a message. Pictures really do convey a thousand words and your selection is always very good. In fact they are so good I have cancelled my flight to Quito. You have brought Ecuador into our living rooms and offices, as good as being there oneself!

Another thought which I know will horrify you. Maybe you have friends that are not dis-similar to readers of "Hello" magazine and just like looking at the pictures !!!!

Anyway what you up to next and when you due back? You seem to have been away for age......s! This long distance relationship stuff is hopeless. Real as your pictures might be there is nothing like the real thing! (Too many "reals" in that sentence!) See you have made me neurotic about my grammar and spelling ! I keep a dictionary to hand whilst typing these messages !

Anyhow most importantly you appear to be in good spirits and ready to tackle further adventures. I await with bated breath!

Lots of love as always

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Sam!

Been awaiting my new MacBook to wing its way from Miami to me in Oxford (saved me £300, very Scottish of me!), hence I've only just caught up with all the thrills and spills of your grand adventure.

There was a photo on your previous blog, which has now been removed. It showed a scene of what looked suspiciously like the ritual burning of all your rafting & kayaking equipment in the dark streets of Tena. Surely not?

With the amount of precipitation you get in Glasgow, surely you are well acquainted with the risk of imminent death by drowning. Have to say, death by drowning sounds infinitely preferable to death by parasite. Actually, that could be the answer, drown any parasites that may have sneaked in. Yup, I reckon several gallons of alcohol are called for, purely for medicinal purposes of course.

Maybe 2007 will be the year that you finally make it up that bloody volcano. Hope so.

Great blog, as always. Keep the words and photos flowing.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Sam...bit late, no excuses you've obviously been busier than us! Enjoying your blog..Bid says hello..yes he surfaced again, still in Barcelona
Take care
Gavin & Linda