Saturday, 30 December 2006

In the Jungle, the Deep Deep Jungle..

I have decided to change tack, this unusuall weather for this time of year could well be due to ¨El Nino ¨ which occurs every 4 years, and causes a change in the normal weather pattern.There has been much higher rainfall than is normal over the last month here, this made me think that the extra rainfall would cause the rivers to swell & subsequently be excellent for White Water Rafting!! So here I am in a place called Tena, the acknowledged center for kyaking & white water rafting in Ecuador. I took a bus ride from Quito today a nut rattling 6 hr journey from Quito , over a road which was 1/2 hour up and 5hrs down, half the distance was metalled the rest a murrum (or earth/ mud ) road with precipitous drops at the roadside and landslides on every bend, cleared by bulldozer, but leaving the streams gushing over the road ( which will no doubt wash further sections of the surface away). I have booked up on a rafting trip tomorrow (sun) on the El Napo river, Oh I wonder how the memories of my rafting days on the Tay will flood back, I do not expect tomorrows raft will be made of ply & polystyrene but I can but hope.
I spoke to Dave Pope this morning and he felt the trial went as well as can be expected, he told me about a bottle of perfume which had been found in the accuseds´ home, a product called Tobbacco Leaf and only sold through the Body Shop. Her sister had bought it for her before leaving, in Manchester, the sister had a bottle herself and the batch numbers confirmed they were from the same batch, Damning evidence if you ask me!! ( probably not good enough for Dook though !!) To find out more www. jennypopeappeal. The verdict is to be announced, along with the sentence on the 9th of Jan.
Thanks to Ian & Marj, did you just know this or did you have to find out, Anyway no one has told me the date of Epiphany yet ? SS.


Anonymous said...

The date of Epiphany (6 January) is often remembered solely since it's the day all signs of Christmas should be safely locked away for another year, though it's also the day that the Magi visited the baby Jesus and is celebrated for this by the Christian religions.

Glad to hear you are reliving old adventures on the Tay - carpe diem!

Anonymous said...

Is Epiphany not also known as "Little Christmas" or am I thinking of something else ?

Well that's different white water rafting on New Year's Eve though as I am sure you will hear from other sources ideal weather here for white water rafting also - an extremely wild, wet and windy New Years Eve !

Mind you white water rafting in Ecuador - mmm that sounds quite impressive! You could use that as a chat up line - "Well I remember when I was ..... "!

Have a great New Year wherever you are. Your stories so far have been great. Keep them coming !

Lots of love and lust and extra kisses for the New Year.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hope 2006 has ended on a high with a successful day on the rapids!
And that you manage to sing at least part of 'auld lang syne' to bring in the New Year! I'm sure the Ecuadorians will be much impressed by your singing.

Wishing you and yours good fortune, health and happiness in 2007!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year Sam,
Hope you enjoyed the rafting.
Enjoying reading about your trip. See you at the quiz when you are back

Anonymous said...

Sam, Wishing you a good New Year and every success in your adventures. Really enjoying the blog.


Anonymous said...

hi dad merry christmas and a happy new year. what did you do at new year we had a party in canberra,there was a storm that lasted a while, but half way through the storm we went in the pool and that was funi hope you are having a good time speak to you soon

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